Friday, October 07, 2005

The Bad Guy

I have to be the bad guy good as a bad guy I can be. Confused?

My manager informed me last evening that I would have to issue a warning letter to one of my mentees (a girl who comes under my team) for her inappropriate telephone handling of customers. It seems that, while she was being audited, as they do on a random basis, several of her calls were quite poor and totally non-professional. That came a bit of a jolt to me, cause when I checked with another person, he told me that she has seemingly improved her performance. Seems it is not so. So, I have informed the manager of the agency that provides us the agents (which includes her) and have asked him to issue a letter warning her that if she does not improve and this behaviour continous, we would be forced to let her go.

As stated earlier, this is not something I like doing. Neither have I done it before. I have never been at the recieving end of the same either which makes it doubly hard for me. So I have to don the mask of the bad guy and after the letter is issued then I would have to have a sitting with her. Not looking forward to it.

Babe of the week - SONYA WALGER

The selection for song for the day in this entry is dedicated to my cousin Manoj. Manoj made me listen to this particular song 50 times (yes folks FIFTY times) during a long car trip to Palghat from Kochi.....and back home again. He was also in a funny mood (not funny "ha, ha", but funny as in "weird") and he made me promise that if he dies before me, I would have this song play at his funeral. Now, Indians don't do that sort of thing (unless you call incessant crying & sobbing music) and if I even attempted it, I would be branded a pariah until my dying day. But you should have seen the look on his face - he was downright serious. Well, Manoj, I am gonna try, but hope I go before you :)

Song for the day - "All I Want Is Everything" - DEF LEPPARD